Riding the Waves of Life

Sophie F
2 min readMay 28, 2024
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Sometimes things end when it just feels like everything is coming together. These times are frustrating, exasperating, and heartbreaking sometimes. Before yesterday you knew where you were going and today you feel like you’re back at square one. In such times you may tip your head to the sky and say ‘Why me?’. If only you knew.

If only you knew that things always fall apart so that something better can take its place. Always.

I like to visualise progress as stairs with a few slides now and then. Don’t worry though, the slides are always farther and fewer between than the stairs and they never take you down as far as the last. Overall, the direction is up, it’s positive.

Just because it may not feel like you’re not getting where you want to go as quickly as you are, as long as you don’t jump off into the abyss you’re still on the way. However, if you were to jump into the abyss, you might find it not as void as you first thought, and be met with a new path. Just to be clear, we are talking metaphorically here. You also might be surprised by kind hearts offering help, as there often are in such instances. No one is an island.

We all have better and worse days. I’ve found that following one in which I’m particularly down, within a very short time something pops up that changes my mood completely. It could be an impulse to read a particular book containing information that fits as a last puzzle piece or a relatable story that makes me feel more connected. It could be a call from a friend or a new opportunity to pursue.

There is always another wave coming to meet you in the ocean of life.

