Prioritise Showing Up Rather Than Trying To Be Perfect

An idea I needed to remind myself about

Sophie F
3 min readMay 25, 2024
Photo by Thomas Franke on Unsplash

Today I am back at my computer, writing. The thing is, I have read so so many articles about how to succeed in writing online. The crux is always the need to be consistent. My problem, as I’m sure is most people’s, is that I get so caught up in my head about what I’m writing, what it needs to look like etcetera.

The truth is, it doesn’t need to look like anything. I know that half the battle is simply showing up. So, why is that so hard to do? I would now go and find scholarly articles online to corroborate this point, but in this stage of my ‘getting over trying to make it perfect’ phase that is likely to take me back to my initial problem.

Fact-finding and checking are very important, don’t get me wrong, but it is not helpful for my purpose right now which is just to write and publish something. I suppose it’s a kind of experiment if you will.

Why do you write?

That’s a personal question that everyone will have a slightly different answer for, I believe. For me, it depends on what I’m writing.

If I’m writing an informative article, such as I regularly do on astrology, the purpose of it is to inform the reader. If I’m writing a poem, my purpose is…

