Keeping Healthy Habits Whilst Travelling As a Vegan

It can be easy

Sophie F
4 min readMay 26, 2024

After a few months of travelling, I’m trying to get back into a routine. I’m still not settled anywhere, but I’ve decided to stop letting that be an excuse for not taking care of myself as best I can.

For me, creating healthy habits is a tried and true method for being as good as I can be every day.

Photo by Super Snapper on Unsplash

How does being on the move affect your health?

I used to go to the gym basically every day. While movement is essential for good physical health, my mental health also really benefited from me pushing my body that regularly even just a little bit, and it could turn my mood around entirely.

Travelling for a bit often means you are on a tighter budget, and so right now the gym isn’t an expense I can justify when I can do without it. Instead, I have been running more and doing callisthenics.

For maintaining muscle, I have found callisthenics not as good understandably, and unfortunately, I have lost some strength. However, I know it’s only temporary and experiencing new places is something I am happy trading for my preferred routine for a while.

I also stretch at least every couple of days, because we want to be as supple as possible into old age and help…

